meet shay
Shay was born on December 6, 2022. He is the younger brother of big sister Madison, and an amazing son to his very lucky parents Courtney and Colin.
Shay is a very joyful baby boy and always has a smile on his face. He keeps our spirits bright with his infectious belly laughs and cheeky grin. His favourite toy is his moose (it goes everywhere with him) and he is constantly entertained by Madison, who is very protective of her little brother.
At just 4.5 months old, he is already holding up his own head and has rolled over a few times—a true testament to his strength. Shay may have cystic fibrosis but cystic fibrosis certainly does not have Shay!
Shay’s journey in life has just begun. He is about to write an incredible story and he doesn’t even know it yet…
Read more about Shay’s journey with cystic fibrosis: