Positive Sweat Test

Shay tested positive off the sweat test so we now know that he 100% has CF. We are still in limbo on what the future holds as only testing and time will indicate what we are all dealing with. He is constantly growing each day which is amazing and we just need to see what results come back from his poo. This will give us a good idea on medication as to how his body is absorbing/digesting the fat and protein in milk.

We have a fantastic support team in Temple Street (truly amazing people) and Shay will have a great life with all of you in it. We believe this will not tell or write his story, his friends and family will allow him to write a great story.

We will keep you all posted as the weeks go by but for now. We have the best son, nephew and grandson we all could hope for.

Thanks for all the support and messages. It is not just us going through this, we are all living it.


New Physio Routine


Shay’s Diagnosis